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menu - Packet Hunting Made Easier
If this is your first time here or this is your first time viewing this new version, please read below about how to use this tool.

    The menu on the left will take you to different modules where you can build packet capture syntax to run on network devices. Some modules also have a flow debug feature which will help you build debugs to run on certain devices. There will be more features added as time goes on so make sure you check the .plan section as well as the development site to see what's coming up.

    If you would like in-depth instructions on how to use this tool, visit the Help section for a detailed explanation on all the features.

    New! Once your syntax is built and you're ready to copy it, put your mouse over the completed syntax at the top and click anywhere in the bar. The command is now copied and you're ready to paste it to be run.

    New! Modules and all their syntax options now have full contextual help. Hover your mouse over the help icon to get a tooltip explaining what the syntax does.

    New! Syntax items which require user input now have colour-coded feedback! If you enter information which is valid, a check mark icon will appear and the item will turn green as will the flashes at the top bar. Should the information you've entered seem suspect, a warning icon will appear and the item will turn yellow as will the flashes at the top bar. If the information is invalid or missing, the item will turn red.

    Some modules have additional information which will be presented to you to help facilitate your commands. Regardless of the module, it is your responsibility to have the understanding of commands that you are running. Although it is not likely to happen, running commands incorrectly can cause issues with devices up to, including and not limited to: device slow downs and device outages. You are solely responsible for the actions you take and the commands you run!

    Feedback is always welcomed. Feel free to contact me on Twitter (@Grave_Rose) or visit the subreddit at

Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!

PCap and Display Options Use this section to change what tcpdump will output.Click to Show/Hide

Name Service Resolution Specify if tcpdump should resolve hostnames and/or service names.

Default: hostnames and servicenames (/etc/services) will be resolved if possible. (alice.http)
-n: Do not resolve hostnames but do resolve service names. (
-nn: Do not resolve hostnames or service names. (


Link-Level Headers (MAC Addresses) Specify if tcpdump should print Link-Level headers or not.

Default: Link-Level headers will not be printed.
-e: Print Link-Level headers.


Quick Display Specify if tcpdump should print it's output in a quick format with less information.

Default: Output will be printed normally.
-q: Print information in a quick format.


Time Display Options Specify how tcpdump should display time.

Default: Time will be printed normally. (20:41:00.150514)
-t: Time will not be printed at all.
-tt: Time will be printed in seconds since Jan 1, 1970. (1541554896.312258)
-ttt: Time will be printed as a Delta since the last received packet. (00:00:00.000105)
-tttt: Time will be printed with the calendar date. (2018-11-06 20:47:30.037248)
-ttttt: Time will be printed as a Delta since the start of the command. (00:00:10.022479)


Verbosity Level Set the level of verbosity tcpdump will display.

Default: Minimum verbosity.
-v: First level of verbosity.
-vv: Second level of verbosity.
-vvv: Maximum level of verbosity.


Full Packet Display Specify whether or not payloads should be displayed.

Default: Do not display payloads.
-X: Payloads will be printed in hex and ASCII without Link-Level Headers (unless -e is enabled).
-XX: Payloads will be printed in hex and ASCII with Link-Level Headers.


BGP Display Specify if tcpdump should be displayed as ASPLAIN or ASDOT

Default: BGP will be printed as ASPLAIN.
-b: BGP will be displayed as ASDOT.


Checksum Verification Specify if tcpdump should attempt to verify checksums or not.

Default: Checksums will attempt to be verified.-K: tcpdump will not attempt to verify checksums.


Domain Name Printing Specify if tcpdump should print domain names.

Default: Domain names will be printed.
-N: Domain names will not be printed.


Output and File Options Use this section to save your output to a file.Click to Show/Hide

List Interfaces Specify whether or not to run an actual PCap or just list available interfaces.

Run an actual PCap (default).
-D: Do not run a PCap and just display available interfaces.


List Timestamp Types Specify whether or not to run an actual PCap or just list available timestamp types.

Run an actual PCap (default).
-J: Do not run a PCap and just display available timestamp types.

PCap Filter Options

Filter Create your packet capture filter with these selectors. You can also negate the item by selecting the "not" option.

On any newly created filter option, you must specify the operand to use.






diagnose sniffer packet ' ' 1 0
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!

Verbosity Options Specify how verbose diagnose sniffer packet should be where 1 is the least and 6 is the most.


Timestamp Option Specify whether or not diagnose sniffer packet should print aboslute timestamps.

PCap Filter Options

Filter Create your packet capture filter with these selectors. You can also negate the item by selecting the "not" option.

On any newly created filter option, you must specify the operand to use.






diagnose debug disable
diagnose debug flow trace stop
diagnose debug flow filter clear
diagnose debug reset
diagnose debug flow trace start
diagnose debug enable
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!

IP Version Specify which IP version you are using.
    Debugging on IPv4

Show Function Name By enabling this feature, diagnose debug flow will print the function name of the packets which are matched.
    Function name is set to: Disable

Show iprope By enabling this feature, diagnose debug flow will print the iprope options of the packets which are matched.
    iprope display is set to: Disable

PCap Filter Options

Filter Specify your filters for the flow debugs. All of these are optional.
Warning: There is no error checking here!

Warning: There is no error checking here!

Layer-3 Addresses
    Source or Destination
    Source Only
    Destination Only

Layer-3 Protocol

Layer-4 Ports
    Source or Destination
    Source Only
    Destination Only

The 'fw monitor' program is available in two main versions: R80.20 pre Jumbo HotFix 73 and R80.20 Jumbo HotFix 73 and beyond. Please choose the option below for the version you want to run.

Keep in mind that these two versions are not compatible with each other so ensure you choose the correct version for the platform you are on.

'Original' version

R80.20 (pre-JHF 73)
All previous versions
 'New' -F version

R80.20 (JHF 73+)

fw monitor -e "accept ;"
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!

IP Version Specify which IP version to capture on (IPv4 or IPv6).

Specify VSX ID Specify the VSX ID you want to capture on. Leave blank for all.
    VSX ID not specified.

Debug and Display Options Use this section to change output and debug options of fw monitor.Click to Show/Hide

UUID/SUUID Specify whether or not to print UUID or SUUID information per packet.

Debugging Level Specify how much (if any) debugging information fw monitor will display.

Buffered Output Specify whether or not to buffer output or display immediately.


Raw Packet Data Specify whether or not to print raw packet data.


FW Monitor Mask Position (pre-R80) Use this section to change which point(s) of inspection fw monitor will listen on.
PCap Filter Options

Filter Create your packet capture filter with these selectors. You can also negate the item by selecting the "not" option.

On any newly created filter option, you must specify the operand to use.





fw monitor -F "0,0,0,0,0"
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!

IP Version Specify which IP version to capture on (IPv4 or IPv6).

Specify VSX ID Specify the VSX ID you want to capture on. Leave blank for all.
    VSX ID not specified.

Debug and Display Options Use this section to change output and debug options of fw monitor.Click to Show/Hide

UUID/SUUID Specify whether or not to print UUID or SUUID information per packet.

Debugging Level Specify how much (if any) debugging information fw monitor will display.

Buffered Output Specify whether or not to buffer output or display immediately.


Raw Packet Data Specify whether or not to print raw packet data.


FW Monitor Mask Position (R80.20 JHF73+) Use this section to change which point(s) of inspection fw monitor will listen on.
cppcap -f " "
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!

Specify Interface Specify which interfaces you want to capture on. You can select all interfaces (default), only on one interface (-i interface) or on all except one interface (-I interface).
    Capturing on all interfaces.  

Specify VSX ID Specify which VSX instance you want to capture on. You can select all VSX instances (default), only on one VSX instance (-v id) or on all except one instance (-V id).
    Capturing on all VSX instances.  

PCap and Display Options Use this section to change output and debug options of cppcap.Click to Show/Hide

Packet Direction Specify which direction to capture packets. Default is either-bound.

Display Verbosity Specify additional display verbosity at different levels of the OSI model.

Print Time Specify whether or not cppcap will display time.

PCap Filter Options

Filter Create your packet capture filter with these selectors. You can also negate the item by selecting the "not" option.

On any newly created filter option, you must specify the operand to use.






fw ctl debug 0
fw ctl debug -buf 50
fw ctl debug -t info -f common
fw ctl kdebug -t -f
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!
Debug Module Options

kiss Module (show/hide)

kissflow Module (show/hide)

fw Module (show/hide)

h323 Module (show/hide)

cpcode Module (show/hide)

upconv Module (show/hide)

WS_SIP Module (show/hide)

multik Module (show/hide)

UC Module (show/hide)

dlpk Module (show/hide)

dlpuk Module (show/hide)

gtp Module (show/hide)

VPN Module (show/hide)

WSIS Module (show/hide)

UPIS Module (show/hide)

BOA Module (show/hide)

cmi_loader Module (show/hide)

NRB Module (show/hide)

SGEN Module (show/hide)

RAD_KERNEL Module (show/hide)

WS Module (show/hide)

APPI Module (show/hide)

UP Module (show/hide)

MALWARE Module (show/hide)

CI Module (show/hide)

SFT Module (show/hide)

ICAP_CLIENT Module (show/hide)

FILEAPP Module (show/hide)

dlpda Module (show/hide)

CPAS Module (show/hide)

capture match
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!
Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command! ETHERNET
Select Capture Type

Capture Name Specify the name of your packet capture.
    Error: No capture name has been specified!

Interface Binding Specify which interface to bind to.
    Error: Interface not specified!

PCap and Display Options Use this section to change output and debug options of asapcap.Click to Show/Hide

Real-Time Display Specify whether or not packets are displayed in real-time or not.
If this feature is enabled, the packet capture must be stopped with ^C instead of "no cap" commands.


Display Full Trace Specify whether or not packets are displayed with a full flow trace or not.

Did you know... You can just click in the command bar at the top to copy the command!
Command-Line Tools

This area has a collection of command-line utilities for different platforms. You can see which commands will run on each platform based on the icon beside it. These commands do not auto-update the command bar. You must press the "Generate Command" button for it to work.

IPv4/IPv6 Interface Configuration    

    Device Type:  Command Type:  IP Version:

Generate Command

IPv4/IPv6 Static Route Configuration    

    Device Type:  Command Type:  IP Version:

Generate Command

Help and How to Use

    Table of Contents
        1. Introduction
        2. tcpdump
        3. Fortigate
            3.1 Packet Capture
            3.2 Flow Debugs
        4. Check Point
            4.1 fw monitor
            4.2 cppcap
            4.3 kernel debugs
        5. Cisco
        6. CLI Commands
        7. Social Links
        9. .plan
        10. Donation Contributions
        11. Development Site


    Packet Captures allow you to examine network traffic coming into or going out of an interface on a network. They are very useful for troubleshooting issues, verifying configurations, performing passive recon and learning how services work at a low network level. The issue with packet captures is that every vendor seems to have their own way of performing them which may not be standard between vendors. This in turn causes issues for people who work on multiple devices and are trying to troubleshoot them.

    This is why I created - To give back to the community to help people perform and learn more about packet captures. This tool is ad-free, payed out of my own pocket, written in plain client-side code (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) to be downloaded to run offline and is my way of helping out. If you find it useful, I'm always looking for feedback so use the social links on the left to let me know. Similarly, if you have suggestions or have found bugs, please let me know. If you are able to make a donation to help cover operating costs, that would be appreciated but it's not required.


    tcpdump is the defacto packet capturing utility found on almost every *nix distribution and is what most packet capture utilities are based off.

    tcpdump uses Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF) to create matches on the type of traffic you want to catpure. BPFs can be as simple or complex as you require them. Here are a few examples:

    This will capture any packets to or from the host with the IPv4 address of

    host and tcp
    This will capture any packets to or from the host with the IPv4 address of AND only TCP (IP/6) traffic.

    host and \(tcp or icmp\)
    This will capture any packets to or from the host with the IPv4 address of AND either TCP (IP/6) or ICMP (IP/1) traffic.

    proto 6 and not port 22
    This will capture any packets on any IP address for TCP (IP/6) but will ignore anything on TCP/22.

    As you can see, the BPF mechanism for filtering can be as complex or as basic as you need.


    Fortigate Packet Capture

    To run a packet capture on a Fortigate, you must run the diagnose sniffer packet command. This command is required to tell the Fortigate that you want to run a packet capture. After the command, you must specify the interface. This can be a physical interface (port1), a VDOM Link interface (vd1-vd2), a virtual interface (ssl.tunnel) or "any" to capture on all interfaces. Fortigates support most of the BPF filters found in tcpdump placed inside single-tick (') quotes. Lastly, at the end, you can specify the detail level (1-6), the capture count and whether or not you want absolute or relative timestamps.

    Fortigate Flow Debugs

    Fortigates are able to show low-level detail on processed packets which can aid in troubleshooting issues. Any packet which arrives to a Fortigate for processing will be detailed when running this command. You can specify the IP version (4/6) as well as whether or not to enable the display of both the function name and the iprope information (peronsally suggested to turn these on). You must specify how many packets will be captured in the debug command. Since a lot of information will be printed out, I personally suggest keeping this number low for ease of readability.
    You can create filters on the right-hand side to narrow down the traffic you are interested in viewing but there is no error checking on these filters.
     To stop the trace session, run the command: diagnose debug disable

Check Point

    Check Point fw monitor

    Check Point's fw monitor utility will attach itself to all points of kernel inspection as a packet passes through the Check Point kernel. This is very useful as it will show you the packets as they enter the firewall and are processed through it. In addition, you will be given information as to which point of inspection the packet is currently passing which may aid in troubleshooting kernel paramaters and NAT issues. Here are the points of inspection:
    The fw monitor utility does not support BPF filters and will error out if not entered according to the INSPECT code.

    Check Point cppcap

    As of R77.30, you can install the cppcap utility on your Check Point firewall to provide additional packet capture features which support BPF filters. Although not as in-depth as fw monitor, it is a very useful tool.

    Check Point Kernel Debugs

    It is sometimes required to perform Check Point kernel-level debugging on traffic flows. By using this module, you can capture these debugs for further review. On the right-hand side, you can enable and disable specific Check Point firewall kernel modules for debugging. The defaults are already set (highlighted in green) which match the Check Point kernel defaults.


    Cisco ASA packet captures are required to be bound to an interface and the capture must have a name. Cisco offers two options for network-based packet captures: The real-time option which will display packets in real-time and the capture must be stopped with ^C (Control+C). The other is the Display Full Trace option which will print out all trace options for every packet received. This will take up a lot of display space and may cause high resource consumption so be careful when using this option.
    Cisco ASA packet captures are currently limited to network-based packet captures at the moment although there are more types of packet captures available.

CLI Commands

    This section will be ever-growning to provide users with the ability to run common commands across different platforms. All the commands will be grouped together by function with icons indicating which are supported at any given time. You must use the "Generate Command" button to generate the command at the top since these sections do not update automatically.

Social Links

    Do you have a suggestion? Maybe you've discovered a bug? Do you want RSS notifications on new updates? Perhaps you just want to chat with others to get help or offer your own assistance to help out someone in need. All social links will open in a new window (or tab depending on your browser settings) so that you can keep your current tcpdump101 settings without having to start over. Feel free to follow me on Twitter, check out the sub-Reddit, subscribe to my Youtube channel or hop on Discord to chat with other packet monkeys like yourself. :)

There are also three ways to donate if you are able to: PayPal, Bitcoin and Litecoin are all accepted. I will not be accepting other forms of donations (at least right now) so hopefully one of these three methods will work for you should you choose to make a financial donation.

Downloads is written in flat HTML, JavaScript and CSS making it easy to download and run offline without the need for a webserver or even an Internet connection. Using the commands in this section will help you download this to run yourself.


    This section is dedicated to ideas and plans for the future of the site. It will also be where bugs can be tracked and user-suggested enhancements will be documented. Keep checking back to see what's in the works for the next revision of

Donation Contributions

    Whenever someone is kind enough to make a donation, I will put their name and contact information (if they allow it) here as a permanent "Thank-you" to show my appreciation for their support.


    This link will open a new window (or tab depending on your browser settings) to where you can see the latest build of as it's being worked on. Keep in mind that this is a development site and may not work proerly or at all.

The best way to download this for offline use is with the wget utility found on most major distributions of Linux.

Click on the snippet below to download the current production version:

wget -p
This will download

When you run this command, a new directory will be created called "" with all the relevant files you need to run this offline.
cat ~/.plan


    E-mail: tcpdump101 [at] gmail -dot- com
    Twitter: @Grave_Rose 
    Reddit: /r/tcpdump101 


    I created after using  which is a fantastic resource for creating and validating regular expressions. Having been involved in NetSec for about twenty years now, I realized that a lot of people struggle with packet captures. I thought about what I could do to give back to the community that I've been a part of for such a long time and this is what I came up with. It may not be the be-all-and-end-all of networking tools, but as long as it helps people learn, I'm glad to have created it.
        - Gr@ve_Rose
Donation Contributions

    Thanks to the following people who have donated to help keep this site up and running. If you'd like to donate, you can visit my donations links on the left to make a monetary donation. The list is updated manually so if you make a donation and your name doesn't appear in a few days, contact me at: tcpdump101 -at- gmail [dot] com
